Welcome to Gilgal Ministries International

Welcome to Gilgal Ministries International

The name Gilgal arose from a prophetic message that God spoke to the church on 29th December, 2002 when we were moving by faith from a rented hall in the city centre to a new premise where we had just begun the construction of our own church building. The area was at the city outskirts. The hope for success in some people’s hearts had been significantly lowered. It was during that time when God reminded Pastor Sentozi on how God commanded Joshua to lead the Israelites across the flooding river Jordan. After miraculously crossing the river, they camped at a place called Gilgal. God said clearly “The name of the Church shall be called Gilgal”



Training for vision propagation

At Gilgal we are committed to ensure the life long propagation of the visions that we have from God. To make this possible, a deliberate ministry training program is in progress since 2010. It is a one year training whereby such topic as Bibliology, vision, discipleship, Pneumatology, Ekklesiology, leadership and ministerial ethics, homiletics and Christian Counseling are covered.

The aim is to raise outstanding Church workers who are well equipped in the areas of Spiritual life, general knowledge and ethics that will fit into the fulfillment of our visions and missions

In the year 2010 a total of 22 students graduated and were awarded our School of ministry Certificates. In 2011 a total of 21 graduated and this year 2012 a total of 7 students have been enrolled and the classes are in progress.

Ministry Expansion and Pastor’s training

In it’s 3 years of existence as an affiliate of the Charismatic Episcopal Church of Tanzania, Gilgal Christian Ministries International has managed to establish 32 branches in a number of locations in the Lake Zone and elsewhere in Tanzania

Churches are still young and small in congregation sizes yet serious commitments are significant on the part of the Pastors who are shepherding them. Some are working in a real difficult environments where they hardly can get daily meals, house rents for their families leaving alone paying for their children’s education.
We give Glory to God for giving us such committed servants for this newly born Ministry.

Pastor Eliab Sentozi, the ministry General Overseer has a deliberate strategy of bringing all the Pastors together at least twice every year with the aim of supporting and strengthening them morally, also having Pastoral Seminars with them and sharing talks on how to move ahead with vision.

Despite the hard economic situation, some have been able to acquire the land for church constructions and to some the constructions are in progress. The Mwanza mother church has been donating some financial assistance to some churches for Pastor’s house rents, purchase of land and contribution towards the ongoing construction works. Churches that own the land which is yet to be developed are six (6) in total, the Mwanza mother church being included; those without land are thirteen (21), those with ongoing construction are four (5). None of the churches has its construction work complete. Fervent prayers are highly needed in this regard.

We are presently working on the possibility of bring our Pastor’s to short refresher Pastoral and theological courses as almost all of them have no any theological background and some of them have only Primary school education. We need to put a hostel and dining facilities before we launch this program. Thank God, the Mwanza mother church has been able to buy the land which will serve this purpose.


Since its birth, Gilgal Christian Ministries international has been able to organize two life touching conferences. The first was the one which brought all the young people together for one week in Mwanza. It took place in June 2010. Another youth conference was held in June 2011. Youth from Different regions and Districts gathered in Mwanza for comprehensive youth teachings to cover the areas of Inner healing, Christian life, Youth and their surrounding environments, courtship till marriage.

The second category of conferences was the one which brought the Pastor’s together in Katolo Geita and Mwanza in 2011 and 2012 respectively for four (4) days, we plan to conduct the same every year and we shall extend them to women and men as well.

The 2013 youth, Pastors and women conferences have already been scheduled to take place in June and August, fundraising for the success of the conferences will commence soon. We are expecting to receive about 300 women, 300 young people and 120 Pastors, spouses and church elders on rough estimate. The major source of funds for these conferences is the registration fees from the participants and organizing committee’s fundraising strategies. You can as well be part of the supporters. The funds will mainly be directed towards the meals for the eight days of stay, water & electricity cost, hiring of the accommodation and conference hall facilities, transport and allowances for the conference speakers and many other unforeseen expenses.

Such topics as Christian ethics, self help projects, public health (with particular emphasis on how to avoid HIV / AIDS), inner trauma and inner healing and courtship and marriage will be covered. Others on part of pastors and leaders will include leadership, financial discipline and church growth. We extend our invitation to young people from all religious and social backgrounds. Those who are willing to give financial support are welcome to do so. Please, contact us at +255 754 817212 or esentozi@yahoo.com and gilgalministriestz@gmail.com


The ongoing project and foremost in priority is the development of head office facilities and conference centre which includes offices, conference hall, hostel, toilets and kitchen dining facilities. The Project is estimated to cost Tsh. 1.5 billion on its full completion. The office building is at the finishing stage and Tsh.120 million has already been spent on it. Anybody is welcome to plant his seed in this work and god will surely bless you.

Other projects in projection in order of priorities include the Gospel outreach missions to non reached areas, school for orphans (whose land we have already acquired), relief services for widows and Young mothers and main church construction at our headquarters.

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