Welcome to Gilgal Ministries International

Welcome to Gilgal Ministries International

The name Gilgal arose from a prophetic message that God spoke to the church on 29th December, 2002 when we were moving by faith from a rented hall in the city centre to a new premise where we had just begun the construction of our own church building. The area was at the city outskirts. The hope for success in some people’s hearts had been significantly lowered. It was during that time when God reminded Pastor Sentozi on how God commanded Joshua to lead the Israelites across the flooding river Jordan. After miraculously crossing the river, they camped at a place called Gilgal. God said clearly “The name of the Church shall be called Gilgal”




  1. Description

    1. GIDDEMI is one of the church’s departments whose role is to plan, implement and supervise the execution of all Development Projects and Gospel missions undertaken by Gilgal worship center as a local church.

    1. GIDDEMI shall only and solely operate within the limits of Gilgal Christian Ministries International vision, which is to reach and minister to mankind spiritually, economically, mentally and socially. Our Missions are:
      1. To make Gilgal a place where physical, souls’ and spiritual needs of people are met by God
      2. To reach the lost souls with the Gospel of Jesus Christ using various strategies ranging from person to person witness to media broadcast
      3. To teach with the aim of equipping the believers with Word of God in order to ground their faith on the Word of God
      4. To train and raise the ministers in five fold ministries
      5. To plant churches in different places in Tanzania and elsewhere in the World
      6. To demonstrate the Love of Jesus Christ through provision of relief services to the disadvantaged and needy such as widows, orphans, disabled and victims of natural and man caused disasters
      7. To fight against poverty among the believers through establishment of self-help projects and creation of employments
      8. To contribute within our capacity on the development of our surrounding communities through establishment of Education, Health, Water and other Community Development Projects
      9. To collaborate with other churches and/or ministries/ministers whose visions are in harmony with ours with the basic aim of building the Body of Christ
1.2.10. To acquire all the facilities needed for the work of the Gospel and good environment where God will be worshipped from now to the future generations. Such facilities will include a good church building, sound systems, office facilities, radio and TV stations, etc.

    1. Like all other Departments, GIDDEMI shall directly be accountable to the Pastor of the church.

    1. GIDDEMI shall work as a mobilizing tool to pull together the opinions, ideas, human and material resources inherent from both the church members and external supporters with the aim of putting them into action in the direction leading to the fulfillment of the church’s visions.

  1. Aims and Objectives

    1. To work as a body of technical advisors who will advise both the Pastor and church leadership on all matters pertaining to economic uplifting of individual church members and the church at large.

    1. To plan and advise the church on an effective ways of spreading the Gospel to non reached places using the available ministers and resources.

    1. To work as a linking organ between Gilgal local church and other external groups, organizations, churches and even individuals within and outside Tanzania who may wish to support, collaborate or contribute in terms of resources (human, material or both) provided that such a linkage shall not undermine, jeopardize or deviate from Gilgal vision and missions.

    1. To study and identify the feasible projects in which the church may invest its resources for the purpose of serving its members and the surrounding communities with the ultimate goal of impacting the targeted communities with the Love of Christ. Such projects may include schools, hospitals, centers (for youth, women and children), water and sanitation, ministers training center or any other projects as shall be deemed convenient in relation to available resources, pre-set priorities and the needs of neighboring community at the material time.

    1. To facilitate the Gospel missions and church planting movements by supporting materially and morally those whom God as called and are commissioned by the church to go and work within non reached ethnic groups plus other communities where Christianity is not a first hand belief.

  1. Leadership

In order to carry out its activities effectively and orderly, the GIDDEMI leadership shall be entrusted to:
    1. Chairman

He/she shall be the top leader of GIDDEMI.
His duties shall include:

      1. Calling and Chairing all the GIDDEMI meetings

      1. Coordinating all the GIDDEMI activities wherever they are being undertaken.

      1. Sensitizing people on existence and activities of GIDDEMI.

      1. Forming a linkage between GIDDEMI and other external Christian and Non-Christian organizations whose aims and objectives may assist to facilitate the steps towards the achievement of GIDDEMI goals.

      1. Representing GIDDEMI in all meetings within or outside Gilgal where GIDDEMI may be required to participate.

      1. He/she shall be the official spokesman on behalf of GIDDEMI.

    1. Secretary

      1. He/she shall keep all the GIDDEMI records of activities and reports.

      1. He/she shall carry out the duties of the chairman in case the latter is absent.

      1. He/she shall handle all the correspondences made between GIDDEMI and other organizations or individuals within and outside Gilgal.

      1. He/she shall ensure the follow up of implementation of all the GIDDEMI plans of action.

    1. Pastor

      1. Shall receive the honorary membership of the GIDDEMI management team by virtue of his/her position as a vision bearer.

      1. Shall appoint into office the GIDDEMI office bearers.

      1. Shall be the accounting officer of GIDDEMI and shall approve all the transactions undertaken by GIDDEMI.

      1. Shall work together with the Chairman to make a linkage between GIDDEMI and other external Christian and Non-Christian organizations whose aims and objectives may help GIDDEMI to achieve its goals.

      1. As a vision bearer, the Pastor shall be the top advisory authority in all the GIDDEMI undertakings.

    1. Assistant pastor(s)

      1. He/she/they shall receive the honorary membership of the GIDDEMI management team by virtue of his/her/their position(s) in the church.

3.4.2. He/she/they shall carry out all the duties of the Pastor in case the latter is absent.

3.5. Treasurer

      1. Shall be a professional accountant whose main duty shall be to keep proper accounts of GIDDEMI funds

      1. Shall make and submit to the Secretary the financial statement of GIDDEMI. The Secretary shall in turn submit the same to the Pastor.

    1. Technical Advisory Team (TAT)

This shall be comprised of professional members of the Church whose fields of specialization are relevant to the aims and objectives of GIDDEMI. The size of the Technical Advisory Team shall not exceed fifteen (15) members. The Pastor(s), Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer and TAT members shall collectively form the GIDDEMI Management Team.

Their duties shall be:

      1. To provide a technical backup in a daily running of GIDDEMI activities.

      1. To plan and write Project Proposals needed for further GIDDEMI undertakings.

      1. To discuss and approve the short and long term economic and missionary plans and budgets.

      1. To advise the pastor and GIDDEMI office bearers in all matters pertaining to daily running of GIDDEMI activities.

      1. To receive and discuss the GIDDEMI financial report for the purpose of improving the performance and control the expenditures.
      1. To incorporate into GIDDEMI plans all the views, advices and opinions of other professionals who are not members of TAT.

  1. Meetings

    1. The Pastor(s), Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer shall meet regularly whenever a need arises.

    1. The GIDDEMI Management Team shall meet bimonthly. Extra-ordinary meeting shall be convened whenever there is a need.

5.0. Ceasing of one’s leadership in GIDDEMI

One shall cease to be a GIDDEMI leader upon:

    1. Death

    1. Resignation

    1. Ceasing to be a member at Gilgal for any reason such as job transfer, moving to another church, or any other reason.

5.4. Seriously and persistently undermining the aims and objectives of GIDDEMI.
    1. Failure to carry out his/her duties properly.

    1. Failure to keep up with Christian ethics.

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