Welcome to Gilgal Ministries International

Welcome to Gilgal Ministries International

The name Gilgal arose from a prophetic message that God spoke to the church on 29th December, 2002 when we were moving by faith from a rented hall in the city centre to a new premise where we had just begun the construction of our own church building. The area was at the city outskirts. The hope for success in some people’s hearts had been significantly lowered. It was during that time when God reminded Pastor Sentozi on how God commanded Joshua to lead the Israelites across the flooding river Jordan. After miraculously crossing the river, they camped at a place called Gilgal. God said clearly “The name of the Church shall be called Gilgal”

About US


The name Gilgal arose from a prophetic message that God spoke to the church on 29th December, 2002 when we were moving by faith from a rented hall in the city centre to a new premise where we had just begun the construction of our own church building. The area was at the city outskirts. The hope for success in some people’s hearts had been significantly lowered. It was during that time when God reminded Pastor Sentozi on how God commanded Joshua to lead the Israelites across the flooding river Jordan. After miraculously crossing the river, they camped at a place called Gilgal. God said clearly The name of the Church shall be called Gilgal”. It was later in a course of time made clear to pastor Sentozi that as it was at Gilgal where the reproach of Egypt was rolled away from the children of Israel at Gilgal, so there will be no reproach on the church. As the Lord gave significant victories to the Children of Israel when they fought the battles from their camp at Gilgal, so the church is going to gain significant victories by God’s hand in all aspects of life and Ministry. As the mana stopped at Gilgal and people began eating the products of the land, so shall the church be blessed regardless of the location.”. We were all encouraged to shift and we decided to name our new premise “Gilgal Christian Worship Center”. In recent years, God has been making it clearer to Pastor Sentozi that Gilgal was not meant to be the name of the local church at Mwanza only but the name for a widely extended Ministry. It is from this divine perception that in July 2010 Pastor Sentozi was circumstancially forced to leave the premise and denomination he was working with and went to a new location to start Gilgal Christian Ministries International.

Till now Gilgal Christian Ministries International has established 32 branches in Tanzania. Pastor Sentozi and the team of Evangelists, teachers, singers and Intercessors travel at least once every year for a evangelistic missions either to plant a new church or strengthening the existing one. The team goes with all the provisions required for the missions including the crusade costs and this is normally done through the free will contributions from the brethrens. Getting a place to worship poses a serious challenge to the pastors that we commission the Ministry at large. Pastors and churches have to live and meet in undesirable conditions. Thanks to God that his grace is always there to sustain them.

Presiding Pastor: Eliab Sentozi

He is a Former Agricultural Research Scientist who resigned from job in obedience to God’s calling into full time pastoral ministry. He is married to Elizabeth and God has blessed them with two sons Joshua and Gabriel and two daughters Glory and Victory. Pastor Eliab Sentozi resigned from his job in 1997. He and his wife with their three children by then moved to Islamic dominated city of Tanga where they planted the first church. In 1999 they moved to Mwanza, at the Southern shores of Lake Victoria where Pastor Eliab Sentozi is a now a presiding Pastor and founder of Gilgal Christian Ministries International.

Statement of faith:
In Gigal Christian Ministries International we believe that:

  • God is one, the creator of heaven and earth and all things their in, the visibles and invisibles who revealed himself in tripersonality of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

  • The man was created upright but he voluntarily fell from gracious state and became a sinner and that all his descendants have been born with deprived natures but become actual sinners after reaching the age of accountability.

  • Jesus Christ made a full atonement of the sin by his death on behalf of mankind and by his death he made an ample provision for the salvation of all and that salvation comes after one has genuinely repented of his sins and has accepted Jesus Christ as his/her personal savior.

  • A normal Christian is the one who has yielded his/her whole life to God and is filled with the Holy Spirit.

  • The church is the body of Spirit-born, immersed believers, drawn together by the Holy Spirit, having the whole Bible as their creed, the Holy Spirit as their teacher and revealer of the word and Christ as their head; having the main objective of proclaiming and disseminating the Gospel throughout the whole earth.

  • It is the duty of every born again person to have the Holy Character and to live a Holy life.

  • Provision is made in the Gospel for healing and health of bodies, that healing is part of the gospel.

  • There will be a resurrection of all the dead.

  • There will be judgment of the rewards for the raptured saints.

  • There will be eternal condemnation into the lake of fire for all those who refused the God-given free salvation through Jesus Christ.

Missionary Work

Gilgal Christian Worship Centre has the missionary obligation as one of the top ranked priorities. The emphasis is made in equipping potential ministers who will ultimately be commissioned for church planting and pastoral work. Pastor Sentozi conducts special ministers’ seminar every beginning and ending of the year. A team of evangelists and teachers is also given a priority for equipping for it’s major role of supporting the newly planted churches through teaching and conducting evangelistic campaigns. Gilgal School of Ministry has recently been established with the aim producing more effective church workers to cope up with the Ministry growth rate.


  1. Elders and Deacons are close supporters to pastors.

  1. Men’s department- Handling all matters pertaining to the men including teachings on the role of a man in the church and family.

  1. Women department: Handling all matters pertaining to women including teachings on the role of a woman in the church and family.

  1. Youth department: Handling all matters pertaining to youth and teachings on the role of a young person in the church. We normally organize seminars for youth, women and men.

  1. Evangelism Department: Comprised of all the church members who are gifted as evangelists, teachers and prophets, we train and mentor them for excellence in ministry. When we are to send out a team for a mission team, these are the people who normally go. We send them together with intercessors and singers.

  1. Intercessory department: Comprised of gifted men and women whom God has called as intercessors and has given them a burden to pray for the church. They pray for all the church programs and the daily running of the church. They pray for the leadership, church services and the missions and also against the challenges and spiritual battles that sometimes the church faces.

  1. Children Department: Comprised of men and women whom God has called into the children ministry. They organize teachings for children and arrange all the children’s annual programs.

  1. Department of Development
This is a team of the people who are skilled in various disciplines with whom the pastor shares visions and they offer him technical advices on how a particular vision can be implemented, in how many phases, etc. They also plan on how to raise funds to support the evangelism department.

  1. Publicity Department
This is the newly established department whose major role is to make the publicity of all the Ministry activities. To begin with, the department has been able to facilitate pastor Sentozi’s radio programs. Under the coordination of this department pastor sentozi preaches in a local radio once every week. If God blesses us with finances, this department will soon finalize the preparation of church’s documentary. They are the ones responsible for preparation of this website, blog, news letter, etc . They intend in future to build a recording studio and magazine press.

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